FEI Young Rider (16-25)
Kevin Hitchins & Deb Hamid have supported the Young Rider Dressage Championships for many years, quietly donating a high quality piece of jewellery designed and made by Kevin who is a goldsmith and platinum smith and supported by Deb who is an expert in coloured stones and a Director of Hamid Bros, her family company.
This award is for a Young Rider (16-25) with the highest combined results across FEI classes.
Deb and Kevin have always been supportive of youth development and encouragement – Deb from when she first competed overseas at 16 years of age with Ice skating and toured internationally for four years – Kevin when at 20 represented Australia and won a bronze medal at the 28th IVTC [International Vocational Training Competition] in Osaka Japan in 1985.
Deb & Kevin want to encourage participation – team spirit – camaraderie – friendly competition – education – excellence – all valuable in the develop-ment of any person and if encouraged at a young age sets up individuals for a great future.
27/2/1982 – 11/1/2003
Anthony and I have been involved with the Young Rider Championships since 2003, when Suzannah Clarke sug-gested that a Memorial Trophy would be a lovely way for our daughter Briana to be remembered.
Briana died in January 2003, from complications following a car accident in Dubai and we were really humbled by the reactions of both organisers and competitors alike when they heard her story. Briana had a passion for horses of any size, colour or breed, but she was especially drawn to Dressage.
Prior to travelling to Dubai to work for the Royal family, Briana was competing at Medium/Advanced level on her beloved Thoroughbred Academy Award (Oscar). For the first few years Anthony and I attended the final day to present Briana’s Award and were truly amazed at the talent of all competitors, but especially the recipients of Briana’s Award.
We feel the award, being for competitors who are both EV and PCAV Members, reflects Briana’s strong ties and the attitudes she had to the importance of both organisations and what they did and continue to do for aspiring horse people.
Once I retired, I decided that I would like to be more involved and this led me to volunteer my services for the duration of the Competition, and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, working alongside an amazing group of people.
I truly believe that the future of the Young Rider Competition is bright and that the depth of talent in our young riders can only grow.
Bron & Anthony Judge
Taylor Farley Memorial
Awarded to the highest placed Victorian Junior (under 18 years) in the Novice Championship. Presented by the Farley family in memory of their daughter Taylor, who was an active and highly successful member of the EV YR Dressage Squad.
Zarina Perpetual Trophy
Awarded to Advanced Champion. Donated by: Mrs Wanda Nelson, in memory of her wonderful horse Zarina.
Macedon Ranges Dressage Club Encouragement Award
Awarded to the competitor with the highest percentage who did not receive a ribbon.
Zarina Perpetual Trophy
Charlie Welsh, Zarina Trophy winner. Charlie rode Horizonte de Jeu to win the trophy and is the feature image throughout this site.